My blog does not usually contain many personal details, but for a change I thought I'd share with you the celebration of my 42nd birthday today.
One year ago I had just arrived in Japan. Everything was new and different and I did not mark the event. Two years ago I was in Korea eating
Bosintang (A search term that still brings a number of visitors to the blog) on my 40th birthday.
This afternoon I got off early from work with strict instructions from my wife : "No snacking". Here's the dining room setting that greeted me on getting home:

Here's the starter, two large crustaceans, in the steamer.

Starting with a glass of Bollinger.

On to the main course, chicken in white wine sauce, my favourite.

The fruit course.

The cheese course.

The first dessert, a tiramisu, made from fresh ingredients.

The second dessert, a delicious chocolate mousse.

There's plenty of that left. I'll be taking it to the office tomorrow.
Today I am celebrating 42 years on the planet, and as a friend pointed out, a lot of people regard "42" as "
The Answer to Life the Universe and Everything" (Douglas Adams). By coincidence, today is also the day when the biggest physics experiment in the world is starting. Scientists at the
LHC in Geneva are recreating events immediately after the "Big Bang", looking at the behaviour of the fundamental universal particles. It seems to me we already have the answer. It's 42 !
This blog has been a little thin recently. My hope is that I will continue, I have plenty of ideas that would make interesting posts but I don't make time to write them up. I make no promises as to what I post but I hope you will stay with me for the next 42 years.