Long term readers know I've always been a big fan of
Korean Blog List. The site had a bit a problem recently after the hosting company upgraded php on the server, but it's back in business again so I thought I share some links.
I'm probably the last to have noticed, but
FatManSeoul is blogging again. Posting in English and Korean they claim
We’re committed to searching high and lo, from the poshest cuisine of Kangnam to the most humble, jeong-laden jjigae of the halmoni-jip in the countryside for the best food in the country.Korea Sparkle the blog, Not to be confused with the KNTO's international marketing campaign, most recently seen here on a Yamanote line train in Tokyo:

has contributions from a number of contributors including well known K-bloggers Mr Dokdo Breeze
Stafford, Mr New Design
ZenKimchi , Mr Flaming Mad
Roboseyo and Mr Obama supporter
Another multi author blog is
Naked In the Sauna who are:
Bilingual, multicultural women bloggers in Korea. We're wearing our lamb towel hats and letting it all hang out.One site in the Korea Blog List that's not a blog but may be of interest is
Animal Rescue Korea. It's a website gathering English language information useful for helping animals in South Korea, based around a forum run by Korea resident
Here are some of the more recent additions to the list that I will be keeping an eye on :
Keep Suwon Weird : Alexi from Texas has landed.
Discovering Korea a very professionall looking site. It is the
blog version of "Discovering Korea", a weekly travel and culture show hosted by Matt Kelley and produced by Sophia Hong. You can listen to it Saturdays on KBS World Radio.When I started writing this post last week
George Goes Korean was the very latest blog on the list. He's moving to Busan to teach English next month. I look forward to reading about his adventures. But, now I've finally got round to completing the post, I find another eleven have just been added including :
Drifting thru Korea ,
Seoul Snapper a fellow Brit taking daily photos of life in Korea, and Tim Wilkinson who maybe "
Just another waygook living in Seoul" but has already figured out most of
the things they didn't tell you before you come.
Subscribe to the site feed
here to catch up with all the newest blogs on Korea. Oh, and while you're surfing the current list of
526 blogs, if you spot any broken links or sites that have stopped update do let Alan know so that he can keep the database up to date.
Some blogs I've discovered not from the
Korean Blog List include a couple of technology blogs:
Vaiguoren Is well written annonymous blog providing links and extracts from news items regarding Korean technology.
KoreaCrunch by Channy who works for DAUM and has restarted blogging about Korean internet developments.
and finally here's a blog I found on
facebook with regular cartoons on life in Korea called
ROKetShip. To all K-Bloggers everywhere, keep on blogging.