Saturday, April 14, 2007

The latest Korean Blogs

This blog was added to the Korean Bloglist on Aug 15 2006. At the time I made a rash suggestion that I might try to sample all the 361 blogs on the list, and during the first three months I made a reasonable attempt, however since then another 131 blogs have been added to the list, so I've decided to call a halt to that endeavour. Instead, for today's post, I sampled the latest twenty blogs added to the list.

Mulloskeys Adventures Abroad Erin and Sean live in Ansan and have some good photos of their adventures in South Korea so far.
Temple Of Ddaeng Describes himself as "Long time Korea expatriate. Affiliated with the U.S. military presence in the country, though I am no longer a servicemember. Single father of one. General imbecile." Has made a very good start to his blog.
Lost In Translation An English Teacher in Daegu, who it seems, is about to go back to LA.
Cathy In Korea Has some good photos of the Bamboo forest and also her students.
The Korean Law Blog: Republishes articles from the local press and appears to be an advert for the Ahnse Law Offices. "They are a full service law office capable of handling a broad spectrum of legal matters which challenge most enterprises today."
Six Happy Feet David in Daegu, is "Dodging scooters, choking on Kimchi. This is life in Korea." A very well presented new blog. A good clip of some Korean TV was amusing and some good photos.
Depth Of Fish Lots of photographs from this person, living in California as far as I can tell.
Random Adventures Of Saradevil Sara in Daegu : Artist, teacher, musician, fashion designer, and sometimes writer. She has plenty to write about in her life, her shopping for a banana replacement experience was very amusing.
Alternative Take On Korea Ipsofacto describes himself as : "Having rinsed a number of credit providers and other financial institutions to the tune of 30k, I now find myself in self-imposed exile in the arse-end of Asia." Amusing tales of a high spending Englishman.
Reporter's Notebook Chris Gelken, a reporter with the Korea Herald and TV presenter on Arirang, has recently started a blog with some good insights into current news stories. His recent post on ESL teachers shafted by hagwon owners shows the sad state of affairs for the unfortunate foreigners who don't have quite such a great time that most do here.
Superlocal Via Poketo Describes itself as "Poketo’s featured blogger section. We’ll have different artists, eaters, life lovers, blog and share their experiences from around the world." and has some random Japanese photos.
East Asian Strategist "The East Asian Strategist was created by Jeffrey C. Kotanchick, PHR, in order to provide effective global business communication and networking tools for leaders throughout Korea." Has some business related news stories featuring Korea.
Kiss My Kimchi PhoenixStorm is "A thirty something SoCal refugee, born and reared in the heartland (as if the midwest only has heart) searching for his place in the world and a sublime slice of chocolate chocolate cake." who has recently started teaching English in Seoul.
Through Whitey's Eyes "South Korea as seen through the eyes of a foreigner living and working in Seoul." Some insights into life in the big city from whitey.
Incheon Landings Some good photos from Incheon and surrounding area form a new blogger.
An Artist Teaching ESL In Gumi. Arty photos from the city Gumi. I see another construction site junkie for our club.
Jamie In Suncheon Jamie's an ESL teacher who describes himself as a 'Hanger out'. He records his adventures and avoids capital letters.
Korean-wannabe In Singapore Pamela (18) is studying in Singapore she loves rabbits,cats,mushrooms,fruit punch,sour berries, Anything from Korea, Christmas and music.
Diapers, Budgets & Paint Kim is a working mom with some good advice on child rearing.
Left Flank Another very well presented blog from a "Bal(t)imoron" with some intelligent comments on the latest political news stories in Korea and the US.

I update my blogroll, in the righthand pane, with blogs as I discover them added at the bottom.
To all the bloggers who have just started : Good luck and keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to have a look at my blog (and indeed all the other new blogs out there).

I'm grateful for the exposure, as I'm sure the authors of the other blogs you reviewed are.

Thanks again.


Chris Gelken said...

Many thanks for your kind comments and for the opportunity to broaden my horizons through the eyes of other bloggers.

Saradevil said...

Thanks for checking me out. Now I feel obligated to read that darn RSS feed I subscribed too. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link! I've added you to my Bloglines blogroll.

Happy Blogging and don't let the yellow dust choke you up! There always mild-weathered Busan!