Saturday, August 19, 2006

Fish Market

Today we visited the Noryangjin fish market. Even at 2pm it's still quite busy, at 5am I gather it is in full flow. There is a wide variety of fish and sea food on sale, there's plenty of "weird" stuff like sea cucumber, sea slugs etc too. A lot of it is kept alive in tanks, The Bat and I joked that it is better than the sad aquarium we went to yesterday at Building 63. Yesterday there was one huge Japanese spider crab, today in the market there were tanks and tanks full of these huge crustaceans.

We were also looking for a table, we found one secondhand furniture store but nothing of use. Back at home I've found a great site for this Now I just need to figure out the Korean.

We didn't have much luck finding a good bus this morning, so after doing a bit more shopping at the Lotte supermarket (big mistake: it turns out to be a bit like Harrods or Fortnum and Masons. With our small basket of shopping we were attended at the checkout desk by no fewer than five ladies trying to help) we decided to get a taxi home. Passing the driver The Bat's residence permit with our address in Korean on was not much help to the driver. He peered at it and showed another driver who seemed to have had a bit of clue and we reached Youido. He then pulled over and phoned someone but he still did not seem to be very happy. A lot of taxis have a big sign on the side window saying "Free Interpretation" so we pointed this out to him, but he shook his head at that. So he carried on driving. At least we knew where we were, and when he was about to take a wrong turn we gesticulated wildly and directed him in a similar manner back to our apartment. Only 3300 Won but I think the bus would have saved our patience.

Having got our fish and seafood home we cooked for the first time in our apartment. A very tasty spaghetti and clams, it's the first meal we've had without Kimchi since we've been here!

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